org.tm4j.tologx .TologFragmentBuilder


The interface for implementations which export a TologResultsSet into a TopicMapFragment.

Implementations of this interface

Method Summary
void exportResultsSet(org.tm4j.tologx.TologResultsSet rs)
Perform the export with the currently specified export parameters.
void setConvertRowInformation(boolean convertRowInfo)
Set the flag which indicates whether or not row information should be exported.
void setFragment(org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.TopicMapFragment fragment)
Set the TopicMapFragment into which the results set should be exported.
void setGenerateVarTopicNames(boolean genVarTopicNames)
Set the flag which indicates whether or not topics representing the results set variables should be given base names.
void setGenerateVarTopicSubjectIndicators(boolean genVarTopicSI)
Set the flag which indicates whether or not topics representing the results set variables should be given subject indicators.
void setRowAssociationTypeName(java.lang.String rowAssocTypeName)
Sets the base name string to be assigned to the topic which types the row associations generated if the convertRowInformation option is set to true.
void setVarTopicNamePrefix(java.lang.String namePrefix)
Sets the string to be prepended to the base name string generated for topics which represent results set variables.
void setVarTopicSubjectIndicatorPrefix(java.lang.String vtPrefix)
Sets the prefix part of the subject indicator locator address to be generated for results set variables.