org.tm4j.tolog .Extension


Classes which implement this interface can be used to provide extension predicates to the Tolog language. To be loaded, an Extension implementation must also provide a no-arguments constructor.

Implementations of this interface

Method Summary
void getMaxParams()
The extension should return the maximum number of parameters which it supports.
void initialise(org.tm4j.topicmap.TopicMap tm)
This method is called on the extension when the extension is instantiated by the QueryEvaluator and before any calls to the matches() or test() methods.
void matches(java.util.List prParams,java.util.List prMatches)
Extension should return true if the PlayerRole objects in prPairs specify a combination which is valid under this function.
void test(java.util.List prParams)
Extension should return true if the PlayerRole objects in prPairs specify a combination which is valid under this function.