Package: org.tm4j.topicmap.utils


Contains utility classes providing additional functionality for the TM4J API.

Class Summary
HelperBase Abstract base class for bean-like helper classes.
IDGeneratorFactory A Factory for creating IDGenerator implementations.
IDGeneratorImpl The default IDGenerator implementation.
ImprovedIDGeneratorImpl The default IDGenerator implementation.
InScopeWalkerFilter A WalkerFilter implementation that allows through only those ScopedObjects that are in a given context.
LTMLexer INTERNAL: Lexer for LTM syntax.
LTMParser INTERNAL: Parser for the LTM syntax.
ScopeWalkerFilter A WalkerFilter implementation that filters out all scoped objects that do not match the specified predicate.
TopicMapCopier Encapsulates an algorithm for copying topics and associations between topic maps while ensuring that copied references do not result in multiple topic copies.
TopicMapDoclet A custom Javadoc doclet, to be used for generating topic mapped API documentation.
TopicMapFragment Encapsulates an algorithm for extracting a subset of topic map constructs from a source topic map and adding them to a destination topic map.
TopicMapHandlerAdapter Provides a default implementation of the TopicMapHandler which may be overridden by derived classes.
TopicMapMerger A "beanish" helper class for merging topic maps.
TopicMapSerializer A subclass of HelperBase capable of serializing a TopicMap to an OutputStream.
TopicUtils Contains common utilities for working with Topics.

This filter will skip all associations which are an XTM TYPE-INSTANCE association and will skip the topics which are used to define that association type and the roles of that association type.

WalkerFilterAdapter A base implementation of the WalkerFilter interface.
WalkerHandlerAdapter A base class for WalkerHandler implementations.
XTMBuilder Implementation of the TopicMapBuilder interface which supports the parsing of topic map information from XML files conforming to the XTM 1.0 DTD and specification.

Utility class containing methods to reduce the number of objects in a TM4J topic map.


Interface Summary
IDGenerator The interface for a pseudo-unique identifier generator.
IDMappingStrategy This strategy interface is used by the TopicMapCopier object to determine how to map an ID value for a source object to the ID value to be assigned to the copied object.
TopicMapBuilder The interface for a process which parses a topic map in a specific syntax and creates TopicMapObjects from it.
TopicMapWriter Extends the TopicMapHandler interface to provide a means for a SAX2 ContentHandler and ErrorHandler to be registered with the Walker.

Exception Summary
BuilderPropertyInvalidException Exception thrown when an attempt is made to set a runtime property for a TopicMapBuilder implementation to a value which is not allowed for that property by the implementation.
BuilderPropertyNotRecognizedException Exception thrown when an attempt is made to set a runtime property for a TopicMapBuilder implementation using a property name that is not recognised by that implementation.

Meta Data (4)
@author : Kal Ahmed
Comment : Contains utility classes providing additional functionality for the TM4J API.
Abstract : Contains utility classes providing additional functionality for the TM4J API.
Javadoc Processing Complete : yes