org.tm4j.topicmap .Member


Represents a member of an association. Members may be typed by a single topic (the roleSpec property) and are defined by zero or more topics. Note that in this definition, members are exclusively defined by Topics — implementations must ensure that when processing XTM documents, the following rules are obeyed while parsing a <member> element:

  • If the <member> element has one or more child <topicRef> elements, the topic(s) referenced by that topic reference shall be added to the member's set of players.
  • If the <member> element has one or more child <subjectIndicatorRef> elements, the topic(s) reifying the referenced subject(s) shall be added to the member's set of players; if no such topics are yet available in the topic map, they must be created first.
  • If the <member> element has one or more child <resourceRef> elements, the topic(s) reifying the referenced resource(s) shall be added to the member's set of players; if no such topics are yet available in the topic map, they must be created first.


Implementations of this interface

Method Summary
void addPlayer(org.tm4j.topicmap.Topic player)
Adds a topic as a player, meaning one of the topics that define this member.
Association getParent()
Returns the association to which the Member belongs.
java.util.Collection getPlayers()
Returns an unmodifiable collection of the Topics which are players of this Member.
Topic getRoleSpec()
Returns the topic which defines the type of this Member.
void removePlayer(org.tm4j.topicmap.Topic player)
Removes the specified topic from the list of players of this Member object.
void setPlayers(org.tm4j.topicmap.Topic[] players)
Sets the collection of Topics which are players of this Member.
void setRoleSpec(org.tm4j.topicmap.Topic roleSpec)
Sets the topic which defines the type of this Member.

Related Topics

Is Contained By
Is Imported By
Is Type For