org.tm4j.topicmap .TopicMapProvider


Interface implemented by an object which wishes to be the source of a TopicMap object.

Field Summary
OPT_MAKE_CONSISTENT Provider option to automatically make the topic map XTM consistent after import from a TopicMapSource.
OPT_MERGE_REFS Provider option to automatically attempt to retrieve and merge in topic maps referenced from mergeMap elements and by external topic references after parsing from a TopicMapSource.
OPT_NAME_MERGE Provider option to create topic maps in which merges are performed based on scoped name.
OPT_STATIC_MERGE Provider option to create topic maps in which merges are static.
Method Summary
TopicMap addTopicMap( src, baseLocator,org.tm4j.topicmap.TopicMap existingTopicMap)
Imports a topic map in XTM syntax into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider
TopicMap addTopicMap( src, baseLocator,org.tm4j.topicmap.TopicMap existingTopicMap,org.tm4j.topicmap.Topic[] addedThemes)
Imports a topic map in into the data store using the XTMBuilder class to parse the input stream.
TopicMap addTopicMap( src, baseLocator,org.tm4j.topicmap.TopicMap existingTopicMap,org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.TopicMapBuilder builder)
Imports a topic map into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider using the specified builder to parse the input stream.
TopicMap addTopicMap(org.tm4j.topicmap.source.TopicMapSource source)
Imports a topic map into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider from the specified TopicMapSource
TopicMap addTopicMap(org.tm4j.topicmap.source.TopicMapSource source,org.tm4j.topicmap.TopicMap existing)
Imports a topic map into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider from the specified TopicMapSource
TopicMap addTopicMap(org.tm4j.topicmap.source.TopicMapSource source,org.tm4j.topicmap.TopicMap existing,org.tm4j.topicmap.Topic[] addedThemes)
Imports a topic map into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider from the specified TopicMapSource
TopicMap addTopicMap(org.tm4j.topicmap.source.TopicMapSource source,org.tm4j.topicmap.Topic[] addedThemes)
Imports a topic map into the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider from the specified TopicMapSource
void close()
Closes the provider.
TopicMap createTopicMap( baseLocator)
Creates a new topic map for this provider. getLocatorFactory()
Returns the object which may be used to create locator objects in the data store managed by this TopicMapProvider.
ProviderTransaction getOpenTransaction()
Returns the current open transaction
TopicMap getTopicMap( baseLocator)
Returns the topic map provided by this object who's base address is specified by baseLocator.
java.util.Collection getTopicMapBaseLocators()
Returns a collection containing the base Locator of each of the topic maps provided by this TopicMapProvider.
org.tm4j.topicmap.utils.TopicMapBuilder getTopicMapBuilder(java.lang.String notation)
Returns a TopicMapBuilder for building topic maps for the specified notation.
void init(java.util.Properties props)
Sets the runtime properties defined for this TopicMapProvider.
void isTransactionOpen()
Indicates whether or not this provider has a transaction currently open
void isTransactional()
Indicates whether or not this provider supports transactions.
void mergeTopicMap(org.tm4j.topicmap.TopicMap baseTopicMap, externalTopicMap,org.tm4j.topicmap.Topic[] addedThemes)
Merges the topic map from the resource externalTopicMap into the topic map baseTopicMap.
ProviderTransaction openTransaction()
Opens a new transaction
void removeTopicMap(org.tm4j.topicmap.TopicMap tm)
Removes the specified topic map from this Provider.
void supportsTopicMapNotation(java.lang.String notation)
Returns true if notation names a topic map notation that can be parsed by this provider.

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Is Contained By
Is Imported By